Spray For
Insects & Pest Control

Buds Natural Spray is the highly effective, healthy, environmentally safe, natural solution for pest control in cannabis, fruits, vegetables and plants growing. Whether your challenge is Thrips, Mites, Gnats or Aphids – Buds Natural Spray is your safe choice, your natural choice for effective insect pest control with no risk to you. Whether you’re growing for medical, recreational or resale Buds Natural Spray is your healthy first choice, your best choice for effective insect control in both indoor and outdoor growing operations.
Mites stress and damage plants by ingesting plant nutrients and slowing plant growth. Webs on leaves and buds are difficult to clean and can make plants less usable. Aphids, the small yellow flying insects that often reside on the underside of plant leaves, have a rapid reproductive cycle often measured in hours, not days. Add to this the fact that they aphid feces attracts many common ants and you’ve got a double barrel problem. Like Spider Mites, Aphids consume plant nutrients thereby stressing and slowing the growth of the plant, and, have been reported to spread viruses which may stunt growth and retard flowering.

Gnats colonize around stems and soil and foster fungal growth. Though small in size they can be big in impact as they challenge root systems and weaken plants, sometimes significantly slowing growth and reducing the usable crop yield.
One of the more common pests for indoor cultivators are Thrips. These pests feed on the sap produced by your plants causing stress, slower growth and diminished crop yield. Appearing initially like small worms, when mature they will lay eggs on their ‘home’ plant, then fly to adjacent and nearby plants to lay additional eggs. Buds Natural Spray controls all of these pests and kills their eggs so even if your plants are already under attack, Buds Natural Spray is your most effective weapon.
Buds Natural Spray is an environmentally safe, completely biodegradable solution for pest management in fruits, plant and vegetable cultivation whether indoors or out. Buds Natural spraying application will control pests for an extended period of time.
Buds Natural Spray has been shown to also boost nitrogen in soil and to enhance water and nutrient uptake in root systems providing a production boost in addition to pest control.

Whether you’re growing indoors, outdoors or hydroponic, Buds Natural Spray is your safe, environmentally sound, one-step solution to healthy pest management.
Insects stress and damage plants by challenging and consuming nutrients and slowing plant growth. Nests or webs on leaves and buds are difficult to clean and can make plants less usable. Aphids, the small yellow flying insects that often reside on the underside of plant leaves, have a rapid reproductive cycle often measured in hours, not days. Add to this the fact that they aphid feces attracts many common ants and you’ve got a double barrel problem. Insects consume plant nutrients stressing and slowing the growth of the plant, and, have been reported to spread viruses which may stunt growth and retard flowering.
Gnats colonize around stems and soil and foster fungal growth. Though small in size they can be big in impact as they challenge root systems and weaken plants, sometimes significantly slowing growth and reducing the usable yield.
Several common pests for indoor cultivators feed on the sap produced by your plants causing stress, slower growth and diminished yield. While many appear initially like small worms, when mature they will lay eggs on the current plant then migrate to adjacent plants to lay additional eggs. Buds Natural Spray controls these pests and kills their eggs so even if your plants are already under attack, Buds Natural Spray is your most effective weapon.
Buds Natural Spray is an environmentally safe, completely biodegradable solution for pest management in fruits, plants and vegetables cultivation whether indoors or out. A single spray application will control pests for an extended interval (see below for more info), and, can be effectively removed with a simple water spray at harvest.
Though not a fertilizer, Buds Natural Spray has been shown to also boost nitrogen in soil and to enhance water and nutrient uptake in root systems providing a production boost in addition to pest control. Whether you’re growing indoors, outdoors or hydroponic, Buds Natural Spray is your safe, clean, healthy, environmentally sound, one-step solution to pest management.